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Speeding in Newton


Funding has been agreed by NCC’ s Local Improvement Scheme (2018/21) to enable interactive speed signs to be installed in both Main Street and Wellington Avenue

More news to follow


Speeding is a National problem particularly in rural communities and Newton Village is no exception.

The parish Council are very aware of the problem it has been discussed at Council Meetings. In the short term it has asked for more speed signs to be erected in the long term flashing speed signs could be a solution the siting of which we have no control. It has been noticed that some residents have placed their own signs in their front gardens if they are not too large and do not cause an obstruction this is perfectly legal and signs could read slow down children playing or something similar.

This is a self help solution and should be encouraged. But the problem is still there and we should ask all residents and other drivers using our village to slow down.